
Professional Auto Service
TechNet provides marketing solutions including nationwide consumer protection warranties, promotions and the latest technoogy tools to deliver an exceptional service experience, creating increased customer satisfaction and loyaty. > Learn More |
Carquest Technical Institute (CTI) and Worldpac Training Institute (WTI) have joined forces as CTI+WTI to offer the most comprehensive technical and business training in the automotive aftermarket. Our updated catalog includes courses for all aspects of your shop – technicians, service writers, managers, owners and more. Find training packages for individuals or the whole team, and flexible learning formats, either online or in-person > Learn More |
Carquest WebLink v2
With our Carquest WebLink v2 on your service team, you can spend more time serving customers and keeping jobs moving forward. It’s your 24/7 electronic connection to Carquest . Used as a standalone or integrated with an approved shop management system it helps you get the job done faster. To sign up for WebLink2, please contact your nearest Carquest store and ask for your WebLink2 credentials.
If you can relate to wishing you had three more sets of arms and five more computers on your desk, you’ll want to get the all-in-one capability of WebLink v2 today. So call us to make your job easier, your technicians efficient and your customers happier. > Access WebLink
> Learn More About WebLink |
ProRewards is an industry-leading Professional loyalty program that rewards you for your purchases .
Features and benefits:
Join- Contact your local representative to join today.
Earn- Rewards for everything you purchase in store, online, or by phone. Rewards are tracked automatically and can be viewed anytime on our website.
Unlock- Access to exclusive promotions. Prizes including gift cards, trips, sporting events, outdoor gear, electronics and more!
Already a ProRewards member?
Log into Rewards site |
Let us help you grow your business and win with customers with our Carquest Professional Solutions.
MotoLogic gives you quick access to unedited OEM repair and diagnostic content along with the highest quality aftermarket service info to get the job done right. > Learn More |
MotoRev Shop Marketing offers automated communication solutions to help you increase service visits with your customers and helps you build a positive online presence to drive new business to your shop. > Learn More |
Say goodbye to handwritten tickets and manual processes. Automate your business and deliver a more professional customer experience with MotoShop Shop Management System. > Learn More
MotoVisuals allows you to easily explain complex services to increase customer confidence and your shop’s close rate. Get access to more than 400 service and repair animations that can be shared with customers in person, by email, or text. > Learn More
Shop Management Systems
Carquest Online web services has completed system integration with the leading Shop Management Systems across the country.
SMS integration is designed to offer our commercial customers a one stop service for all their automotive business needs.
This integration allows the flexibility to be in your point of sale software and be able to access your pricing and on hand information at your local Carquest store while making a quote on the phone or interacting with a customer.
> Shop Management Systems Partners
Carquest VIN Decoder
Carquest VIN Decoder is easy to use and quick, making vehicle lookups a snap from your Smartphone.
Carquest WebLink2 customers can now scan and upload VIN information directly from the vehicle bar code(windshield or door mounted) directly into their personal WebLink2 account. The VIN number will be present on the previous vehicle list and available to use in part lookup.
Once you have installed the application, just enter your WebLink2 login credentials into the application login screen. The VIN Decoder app is then ready to use. The scanner should be held over the bar code and allowed to focus.
The following features are available:
• Accurate and fast VIN bar code decoding
• Scanner light for dark areas with phones so equipped
• VIN transmitted to all of your WebLink2 accounts
• Optional manual VIN entry for vehicles without barcodes
• VIN scanning and storage if communication is unavailable
• VIN delete options from the phone
Multiple vehicles can be scanned and the recorded VINs are sent to WebLink2 on command.
To obtain WebLink2 username and password for the mobile VIN decoder, you must be an active commercial customer at Carquest .
Contact your nearest Carquest store for information on starting a commercial customer account or obtaining your WebLink2 credentials.
For support questions on the mobile VIN decoder application, email eCommerce@Carquest .com
Carquest support for this product is offered M-F 8-5 EST.
> Learn More |